Moor to Sea Arts

Siân's Blog

Siân Dudley writes about her life as an artist.

New Shop on Moor to Sea Arts website!


Painting Rivers cover.jpeg

The long awaited opportunity for you to buy our books easily and securely has finally arrived!

We have spent many hours researching how to add a safe, secure and (easy to manage) method to sell directly from our site, and it seems we have finally achieved it. It might have happened sooner, but as the truth is that once there are numbers involved my head goes a bit fuzzy; I gave up painting by numbers aged 6, and have had little need for them since then.

We have started with our recently published books, and over the next few weeks will add paintings, prints, greetings cards, and the ever elusive sword-liner brushes that I love so much.

Please take a look.  At this stage useful comments would be helpful, particularly regarding site navigation to the shop, and we'd be grateful for constructive comments. Of course, we'd be even happier if you gave it a try and bought a book!